Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring Has Sprung!

With Springtime in the air, we have started doing some "Spring-like" projects.  It is a welcomed change after the long winter season that we had.  One such project involved making a birthday cake for my sister, Michele.  Her birthday is actually THIS weekend, but we knew that we would see her at the memorial for Grandpa, so we made the cake early and surprised her.  The girls helped me decorate it -- a sunflower (very "Spring-like"), where the petals were marshmallow Peeps -- her all-time favorite sweet.  She loved it!


Samantha's preschool class is taking their last fieldtrip of the year next week.  They will be going bowling!  This is something that we have never done with Samantha, and while she completely understands the concept, we wanted to take her at least one time to familiarize her with the game.  Steve took her this weekend and Sophia stayed home with me to do a little "Spring-like" project.

When Samantha was about Sophia's age, we made some caterpillars out of egg cartons, and affectionately named them each "Chester."  Sam had so much fun with it, so I decided to let Sophia make some of her own.  It was a success!

We started with some light painting:

Followed by the placement of google eyes:

And a bow for one of the caterpillars:

With a little help, Sophia used a red pen to add "mouths" to her caterpillars:

And perhaps her favorite part was adding some jewels/bling to each of them:

Posing with her finished works of art:


When the weather was nice on Monday, the girls and I had a chance to get out in the "Spring-like" air and go for a walk.  It was pleasant to be able to just take a walk without hauling the stroller with us.  Sophia is now old enough to walk alongside us on the road and is very conscious of any cars coming from either direction.  (We will reserve stroller walks for when our new little addition joins our family in a month).

Sporting their new sunglasses from the Easter Bunny:

Sisterly love:

And this is how they walked for most of our stroll:

{melt my heart}


With the "Spring-like" weather upon us, we brought out some of our less winter-like pajamas, including this Tinkerbell ensamble that I could barely remove from Sophia's body the next morning.  She was completely unwilling to take it off; she loves it that much!


The girls and I worked on yet another "Spring-like" project this morning, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is a success.  Each of the girls decorated their own cups (after choosing what color they wanted) and then we planted some grass seed in them.  If all goes well, the grass will start to grow and resemble hair!

Putting google eyes in place:

Adding extra embellishments:

(The number of things that I have in my craft box is amazing!  I guess that I just manage to pack things away in there whenever I have a chance, just waiting to put them to good use.  And I love how the girls get such a thrill every time they see me haul it out; it's as if they just know that a project is in their near-future).

Filling the decorated cups with dirt:

Holding their respective cups, ready to be placed on the kitchen window sill:

Pretty cute:

UPDATE:  Within a few days, the grass "hair" had already started to grow!  In two weeks time, there were full heads of "hair:"

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