Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was my 7th Mother's Day and my only request was to be able to spend it with all of my babies.  And if there was a meal celebrated outside of the home (either breakfast, lunch or dinner), then I would be happy.  Anything else would be a bonus.

Yesterday, while I was out having lunch with Steve's sister, Steve surprised me by taking the kids and letting them pick out a necklace and a basket of flowers for me.  I came home to find all of the kids napping and my gifts and card displayed on the counter.  What a sweet surprise.

I immediately planted the basket of flowers in my pot on the front porch; it was just sitting there waiting for me to fill it.  Done!  And I waited until the kids were up from their naps to open the most beautiful necklace.  Apparently Samantha picked it out.  There are three hearts -- one for Faith, one for Hope and one for Love.  Each child claimed one.  So thoughtful!!!

And then today, we headed to Relli's in DeWitt for a simple lunch and a little time at the park.  (The time at the park was limited as it started to rain about 10 minutes after we parked, but everyone got to run off some excess energy!).

My babies, posing for a couple of pictures (another small request on my Mother's Day):

Jack always plays with my necklace:

In fact, here is a picture from Mother's Day last year:

I know that I am lucky to have three beautiful children that love me unconditionally.  I am so proud to be their momma.

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