Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Midweek Randoms

Samantha's Spring Concert at school was in April, on a Wednesday night.  That meant that I was not able to attend (I was teaching), but Steve managed to go with all of the kids and still take a couple of pictures for me.  Luckily, it was a relatively short concert and Jack behaved himself for his dad ...


Jack's legs are just barely long enough to reach the pedals on his tricycle (the bike was used by both of the girls previously).  He is slowly working on mastering pedaling, but in the meantime, he enjoys pulling it along.


Breakfast with my littles:


The girls wanted to wear their vests to school this morning:


And another day, we went on a walk after lunch.  Licorice was mandatory that day!

We took time to smell some daffodils along the way ...

Jack rode in the stroller (I am encouraging this as long as I can for walks because it is my main means of "containing him").  Without the stroller, his independence can be ... well, a little overwhelming.


Jack had been having a hard time sleeping through the night in his "big boy bed," which resulted in some random late morning snoozes on the couch.  I would leave the room for a few minutes and return to this:


Spring weather means more time outside ... and that makes the kids so happy!  Smiles all around.

It also means fresh (much-needed) mulch in the flower bed out front:

And sibling rides in the jeep.  (The jeep belonged to their cousins more than thirteen years ago!  When they were too big for it, Steve held onto the jeep -- storing it in the garage -- hoping that one day his kids would be able to use it.  And they definitely have!).


Springtime also means that it is time for popsicles!

Ha ha ha!  Jack was enjoying a tangerine-carrot popsicle -- a great way to sneak some extra veggies into his diet!  Score one point for Momma.


Samantha officially lost her two front teeth a couple of weeks ago.  She pulled the first one out in school (her teacher sent me a picture that day from the classroom) and then I helped her by pulling the other one out two days later.  It had been hanging by just a couple of "threads."


Samantha is really excited about chapter books lately, so we spend a lot of time on the couch reading.  It is so fun to discover some of my favorite chapter books from my childhood all over again.


For Teacher Appreciation Week, Sophia helped me bake some dark chocolate chip cookies for the teachers.  We put them in an inexpensive jar with some ribbon from my stash and attached a tag that read, "I am one smart cookie because of you!"  The teachers loved them!


Jack has begun potty-training!  I wasn't going to start until this summer, but Jack started showing some interest and waking up from his naps dry on a regular basis.  For the last couple of weeks, we have been having at least one successful "pee event" on the potty each day; sometimes two.  I am not trying 'hard core' yet, but we are encouraging as much as possible.  We even let him pick out some new "big boy underwear."  He is quite excited!

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