Thursday, December 22, 2016

Jack's Preschool Christmas Party

Holiday parties at school can be a bit tricky for me.  I currently have three kids in three different schools and an infant at home.  I try to go to as many of the parties as I can (the kids love to see me there!), but have also given myself a little grace so that things are not too hectic.  If I cannot attend each and every party, I still make sure to sign up to bring something or donate a craft.  That way, the kids know that I am still contributing and I feel better about not being able to be everywhere at the same time.

For the Christmas parties, it worked out for James and me to attend Jack's party.  We made Christmas tree cupcakes for the sweet treat:

Jack started with an adorable painted Christmas tree that we later brought home to hang up as an ornament.

It was a simple craft for the kids that was age-appropriate and a wonderful keepsake.

After the kids cleaned up, their teacher called them over to play "Pin the Carrot Nose on the Snowman."  None of the children wanted to be blindfolded, so she simply had them close their eyes and she spun them around.

Then, Mrs. Merrell set up chairs for the kids to play "Musical Chairs" with Christmas songs.  This was the most hilarious thing EVER because none of them understood the concept of sitting down in whichever chair was closest to them when the music ended.  As 3 and 4-year olds, they all wanted to sit down in their original chair.  In fact, there were quite a few disagreements about it.

In the end, it was down to just Jack and his friend, Derreck.  By then, the boys were finally getting the hang of the game.

Meanwhile, James just hung out on the carpet and played with toys.  SO MANY NEW TOYS for him!

There were a few more games set up for the kids and they rotated from station to station, but Jack's most favorite game was this one:

He must have thrown that snowball 40 times before the party was over!

After their snacks and goodies, the kids gathered back on the rug and exchanged their gifts.  Jack received a math game that is perfect for him and he gave his friend, Tyler, a race car.  Tyler loved it and was quick to give him a hug.  I might have just melted right there ...

Afterwards, we braved the strong winds and blustery snow to make it home for lunch and naps.  Then, the girls arrived home at 3:30 pm to start our much-anticipated Christmas break!

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