Thursday, December 22, 2016

Tea Party with Mrs. Claus

As a fundraiser for the high school Cheer Team, there was a Tea Party with Mrs. Claus scheduled two weekends before Christmas.  I signed the girls up so that we could do that together -- wear their fancy dresses, decorate cookies and sip tea (or lemonade!) with Mrs. Claus during the boy's afternoon naptime.  Unfortunately, the inclement weather that weekend -- school was closed for two days into the following week -- canceled the event.  We weren't sure if they would be able to reschedule ... especially with it being so close to the holidays ... but they made it happen.

We showed up at the high school, found a table and prepared for a couple of hours of fun.  Our neighbor and her mother were able to attend also, which made it even more fun for the girls (and for me!).

There was a cookie set out at each seat, with frosting and sprinkles on the table to use for decorating.

Samantha is a lot less structured and hurries through her decorating so that she can get to the best part ... eating the cookie.

Sophia, on the other hand, is very careful and meticulous.

In the end, they all taste the same!

 Mr. and Mrs. Claus took to the stage and read the kids a story.  It was definitely fun to listen to them banter back and forth as they read through the pages, engaging everyone there.

After the story, there was songs and singing, complete with sleigh bells and various props.

Of course, Sophia felt a little left out when Sam got to use the bells first.  She then flashed her Hollywood smile the second that the bells were passed to her.

Reading through the song sheets together:

Sophia is doing so well with her reading now that she is in kindergarten.

At one point, one of the girls asked Sophia to dance.  She was a little embarrassed at first, but then she joined right in!

Samantha and Ainsley were asked to come up on the stage to act out S-A-N-T-A, performed to the tune of B-I-N-G-O. 

And while they were up on the stage, Sophia was given a letter that she had to hold up every time we sang.

Santa and the girls:

Mr. and Mrs. Claus with their three elves:

Pin the heart on the Grinch:

Snowball games:

My girls and me at the photo booth:

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