Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Vist from the Tooth Fairy

Samantha's tooth became loose about two weeks ago when she was eating an apple at my parents' house.  The excitement was contagious, as she called almost everyone in my address book on my phone to tell them the great news!  This was something that she had been looking forward to for months.

On Monday night (June 2), while Steve and I were getting dinner ready in the kitchen, she came running up the stairs from the basement -- breathless -- showing us that she had pulled her tooth out.  There it was, in her hand, and her smile showed a gaping hole where the tooth had once been.  We were so happy for her (having no idea that it had become THAT loose).

After dinner, I presented Samantha with a special "Tooth Fairy Pillow" that I had been saving for this very occasion.  I showed her the pocket where she would put her tooth ... but she already knew all about it.  In fact, she proceeded to inform Steve and me with all of the details about that magical fairy.

Fresh from her bath, placing her tooth in the pocket:

All ready to place under her pillow:

Sam, stuffing the pillow way under her pillow:

I suggested that maybe she could leave it on the edge so that the fairy could reach it a little better:

We compromised.

And then something magical happened while she was sleeping.  The fairy came in and took her tooth and left her something in return.  She also scattered some of her pixie dust/glitter:

The next morning, Samantha's feet could barely carry her fast enough down the stairs to show me the dollar coin that the Tooth Fairy had left for her!

And then she showed me the glitter that the Tooth Fairy had left behind ... all over her bed and in her hair!

There was also a big pile of glitter on her nightstand.  Samantha couldn't believe it ...!  She told me that that must have been where the Tooth Fairy had set her wand when she was taking the tooth and replacing it with money.  Yes, quite possibly.


Perhaps one of the cutest things that I have ever seen was just how happy Sophia was for her sister once she lost her tooth.  (You would have thought that it was Sophia, herself, that had lost one).  There was dancing and squealing and a big hug.  I melted.

And then as the girls were laying in bed that night, Sophia announced that she was going to lose a tooth soon.  I gently told her that it would be a while before one of her own teeth became loose -- it probably wouldn't happen until she was 5 1/2.  Sam agreed.

Sophia refused to believe it.  She is convinced that she will lose one when she is 3 1/2.  In the Fall.

So begins a lifetime of her sister doing things before her ...  Reaching milestones and moving on.  I just need to remind myself to make sure that each of the same milestones are just as special for Sophia.  She will do things in her own time and in her own way, and it will be just as memorable.


  1. Oh my! They look so cute right there! That picture at the end where Sophia is hugging her older sister is just adorable. Haha! Anyway, it’s a nice thing that she did not have to suffer from a toothache or something before that tooth got loose. Isn’t it exciting to play the role of tooth fairy when you children lose a tooth for the first time? Such fond memories. :D
    Jeff Wade @ Spring Branch Dental

  2. It seems like she was pretty excited to share the news about finally losing her tooth. The tooth fairy gig is just lovely, and it makes me happy knowing that you guys take the time to do this for your little ones. Anyway, thanks for sharing this with us. All the best!

    Merle Wells@ Gillum Dentistry


Mid-Month Randoms: Focus on Sophia and James

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