Friday, June 3, 2016

Spring Pictures

As part of a Mother's Day present for my mom, Grammy, I took the kids outside one afternoon and attempted to snap a few pictures of them.  I had little expectations, as it was in the afternoon (interrupting play time) and Jack seemed to be in an exceptionally unhappy mood.  Also, since James is not able to sit on his own yet, he had to be propped slightly.

We chose a shaded spot and I set to work taking a few photos in chronological order.  Samantha went first.  Usually, she struggles to find a natural smile, but I couldn't be happier with her relaxed look.  And her hair is so beautiful ...

Sophia, my ever photogenic child.  All I have to say is "smile" and she beams from ear to ear and strikes a pose.  She has curls too, just like her Momma, but they are certainly more less loose than those of Samantha's.

Jack, a trooper, even on a day when he was just not really feeling it.  It was the best that I could get, but the picture seems to describe his personality these days.  You never know for sure what you are going get at any given time.  His mind changes frequently.  One minute, he's happy.  Another minute, he's having a meltdown.

James, my happy-go-lucky child these days.  Propped on a blanket in his bouncy seat until he can sit on his own, he smiled as best as he could, especially since the sun had now shifted and decided to shine down on him in his eyes.

And since I had all of them together in one place with semi-coordinating outfits that I pulled from their closets on a whim, I couldn't resist a group photo.

I love looking at this picture and seeing all of the personalities of the kids in it.  I also enjoy observing the similarities and differences in them -- both Sophia and James have blue eyes (I am pretty sure that James' eyes will continue to stay blue and not change), while Sam and Jack have brown eyes.  Jimmy's hair is coming in VERY light, much like Sophia's did.  Sam will probably end up with the darkest hair color of all ... and it matches Steve's hair color perfectly.  No one will have hair as dark as mine, but the girls have my curls. 

Genetics can be so interesting ...

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