Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sophia Is Two Months Old

Sophia turned two months old yesterday. I can't seem to say it enough that the time is just going by so quickly for me. Maybe it is because I'm balancing an infant with a toddler, and that combination occupies any of my spare time. Maybe it is because this is my second baby and things are progressing more easily because of that. Either way, I find myself just staring at Sophia when she falls asleep after nursing ... thinking that I wish that time would stand still for just a little while so that I don't miss a single moment of her infancy. She is so precious when she snores and I love when I catch a glimpse of a smile while she is dreaming.

While yesterday marked her two-month birthday, it also was the day that I took her to the doctor for her check-up ... and shots. This picture was taken before we left for the doctor (notice that Sophia is pretty content):

And then, this is later when we got home (after she received 3 shots in her chubby little thighs):

Some important notes from the appointment:

* She now weighs 10 lbs 12 oz (she is in the 50th percentile, just like at her one-month appointment)

* She is 23.5 inches long (that puts her in the 88th percentile for length; she was in the 75th percentile at her one-month appointment)

* She is so strong that she has already mastered half of the gross motor skills that the doctor will be checking at her four-month appointment

* She has begun drooling a lot this last week -- bibs are a must around here now. This is a little sooner than Sam started her "drooling stage," but Sophia seems to be progressing a little faster in all areas compared to Sam.

* She is now cooing and smiling on a regular basis. She seems to recognize familiar faces now and will turn her head in response to familiar voices.

* She has begun reaching for toys now and gripping them -- she especially loves the toys that hang from her bouncy chair.

* She doesn't love "tummy time," but will stay on her tummy for a little while, lifting her head up and looking around.

We go back to the doctor at the end of June for her four-month check-up. I can't wait to see how much she has grown by then!

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