Monday, November 18, 2013

A Special Gift

Steve's mother passed away unexpectedly at the end of September.  It has been six weeks now since her passing and it is still hard for me to put thoughts together and do a posting on here that she rightfully deserves. Not a day goes by that we are not reminded of her ...

My girls loved Barb tremendously and knew that Grandma would always have some sort of gift for them whenever she saw them.  And, it would was a given that it would be wrapped.  Every time.  That was just her style.

As the weeks have gone by, Steve's dad is still finding gifts throughout the house that Barb had already wrapped for the holiday season this year.  In typical Barb fashion, there is a little note on each one that serves as a reminder as to who it is supposed to be delivered to and what may be inside. 

This last weekend, Stan brought a Christmas present over for the girls that he had found.  The note indicated what was inside the wrapped box, and we decided that the girls could open it on the first snowfall of the season.  Little did I know that we would only have to wait ONE day for those snowflakes to arrive.

When the girls got up from their naps today, they jumped for joy -- not only for the new snowflakes that were falling fast, but also with anticipation over what Grandma had bought for them before she went to Heaven.

Opening the box out on the back deck with the snowflakes falling:

Bubble wrap is so much fun!

The gift was a special light-up snowman (from Hallmark, Barb's absolute favorite store)!

We are still not sure exactly when Barb would have bought this (or wrapped it).  Maybe it was an after-Christmas purchase last year and she tucked it away for this year?  I guess that we will never know ...

But I'm so glad that she thought of my girls.  I think that this is a memory that they will always have from this year; Grandma was still thinking of them ... even from Heaven.

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