Saturday, February 11, 2017

Daddy-Daughter Dance 2017

Each year, the school hosts a Daddy-Daughter Dance in February as a fundraiser for the after-prom festivities.  Samantha has attended the last two years with her dad, but this was an extra special year because it was the first time that Sophia was able to go too.

That's right, Steve had a date with BOTH of his girls.

The photos were taken quickly this year, as it was a mad rush to get everyone home from school/work and dressed in time to fly back out the door for a pre-dance dinner date with friends.

I just love how natural Sophia looks in most every photo that she takes.  Her, leaning in to her dad, looking so grown-up here ... I'm going to blink and then it's going to be me taking her prom photos just like this.

The girls chose their own dresses a few weeks before the event and I chuckle to myself as I realize just how fitting they are to their personalities.

These are Sam's colors right here and her hair is left flowing, just like she likes.

And Sophia ... that girl can never have too much pink (and it doesn't matter how many shades of it she mixes together).

The pink shoes?  A priceless $5 find that you would think are the equivalent of Cinderella's glass slippers to her.  She wears them with everything now.

Two sisters, two best friends.

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