Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Carving Pumpkins

We carved pumpkins on Sunday night (Halloween was on Wednesday) so that we would have ample time to spend on the activity and not feel rushed.  Most weeknights are a flurry of comings and goings these days in between dinner, dance classes, my teaching, homework, showers and bedtime routines. 

Steve carried all of the pumpkins inside earlier in the day so that they could warm up and be easier to carve.  And then, with minimal arguing, each one of the kids settled into their spot at the table and set to work scooping out the gooey insides.  They needed a little bit of supervision, but for the most part, they each did their own thing ... even Jimmy acted like he had been doing this for years.

Sleeves pulled up and ready to handle the goo.

Some of the "strings" were in their pretty tight, and he worked feverishly to get them out.

We did not end up saving any of the seeds and baking them because we have found that most of the kids are not fans of them (now, anyways).

Sophia opted for the cleaner approach of using a spoon to scoop out her pumpkin guts.

Jack loved every second of this dirty task.

Sam chose one of the biggest pumpkins in the patch, but didn't realize that that would mean that she would have the never-ending job of scooping out more squishy innards than anyone.  Yup, the biggest pumpkin means more time spent cleaning it out ...

Everyone was focused on those pumpkins and having a great time!

Still going at it.

Some last minute clean-up.

The final masterpieces, lined up in order and ready to be moved outside for a night of trick-or-treating.

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