Tuesday, March 19, 2024

St. Patrick's Day

This year, St. Patrick's Day fell on a Sunday which meant that we started the day out a little slower and not as rushed as we might have if it was a school day.  The kids slept in a bit and I made sure that there was some special holiday treat waiting for them, as usual.

Rainbow Sweet-Tart ropes, a favorite of everyone, set out on gold placemats with a shamrock place card:

Sometimes, simple is best.

I did add a little bit to the mantle for the holiday and chose to keep a couple of the star balloons up, leftover from Sophia's disco ball party.  The kids all dressed in green and obliged me with a traditional picture.

St. Patrick's Day is one of Steve's favorite holidays and he was ready to celebrate by mid-afternoon:

Actually, we had plans to meet up with a group of friends down the road and then head to a couple of places in Lansing.  We had a great time!  

We didn't stay out too late -- one of the perks of having the holiday on a Sunday is that you can start celebrating a little earlier and then end earlier.  I ordered pizza for the kids for dinner and had it delivered and we made it home shortly thereafter to make sure that everything was lined up for the next morning (school and work).

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