Monday, February 27, 2012

Sophia's First Birthday

Sophia turned one yesterday -- ONE! It's hard to imagine that my little "bunny" is already a year old. She's not a baby anymore; in fact, we are teaching Sam that she needs to refer to Sophia as her "little sister" now, not her "baby sister."

We celebrated her birthday at our house with a "bunny party." We've always referred to her as "our little bunny," so it seemed so appropriate when Sam suggested back in the Fall that we have a bunny birthday party for Sophia when she turned one. And as usual, this momma obliged!

We sent out invitations to our immediate families, keeping the guest list small:

I followed through with a pink bunny theme in our decorations (and am rather excited about the fact that I am now all ready for Easter!):

One of the table centerpieces:

Sam's bunny from Easter last year (on a faux cabbage leaf):

Sophia's bunny from last Easter:

I wrapped the silverware as carrots and tied them with pipe-cleaners:

The dessert table:

I made the strawberry cakes and decorated them with bunnies (my mom did the decorative grass):

I also made bunny cupcakes (with my mom):

Pausing for a quick family photo (with the sun streaming in):

Momma with the birthday girl:

Daddy with the birthday girl:

The big sister (looking SO grown-up):

After dinner (beef tacos), we headed into the livingroom to let Sophia open her gifts. Samantha really struggled with letting her little sister be the one to actually open the presents -- she wanted to do it all.

Samantha wanted Sophia to open the gift from her first:

Helping her sister with the cards:

Checking out the gifts:

The back of Sophia's bunny dress:

After the gifts, we migrated to the kitchen so that Sophia could have her smash cake that I had made for her. I suspected that she would be just like Sam -- not wanting to get her hands dirty. And I was right.

She just kind of sat there, even after Steve put a little of the frosting on her lips:

And then when Steve took her hand and put it in the frosting, well, she wasn't too pleased about that:

We fed her some of it using a fork and she loved the cake. When I decided that she had had enough, she got really angry with me for taking it away:

All in all, it was a beautiful day ... and a beautiful celebration of the last year that this little girl has been a part of our lives. While I'm sad that my little baby is growing up, I am also excited to see her personality develop now that she is becoming more active and slightly more independent.

Happy birthday to my little bunny!

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